Board of Directors

Executive Board

Dulcy Pierce, President
McKenzie Fire & Rescue
Term: 2022/2024
[email protected]
The official representative of OFSOA. The President presides over meetings, appoints committees with board approval, serves as the liaison to the conference committee, oversees the finances and ensures procedures and guidelines are followed.
Past President (Vacant) Serves as the liaison to Protocol Committee, Budget Committee, and all the Region Representatives, and attends all board meetings and represents OFSOA as requested by the President.

Jennifer Fox, Vice President
LaGrande Fire Department
Term: 2023/2025
[email protected]

Assists the President whenever required and performs duties of President in their absence, attends all board meetings, chairs the Scholarship Committee and the Nominations Committee, liaison to the Education Committee and works with Conference Committee for topics and presenters for conferences and workshops.
Haley Meshnik, Secretary
Pleasant Hill Goshen Fire & Rescue
Term: 2022/2024
[email protected]
Keeps and maintains minutes of proceedings and attends all board meetings, distributes quarterly draft minutes of board meetings, maintains necessary records as directed by the President and serves as the liaison to the Communications Committee.
Stephanie Hale, Treasurer
Term: 2023/2025
Polk County Fire District #1
[email protected]
Receives and keeps a complete accounting of all monies in QuickBooks software, pays bills, attends all board meetings, submits the budget document to board for approval and maintains the budget, prepares financial reports for board meetings, assists Registrar with events. At the annual conference submits all records, bank statements, and reports to the Audit Committee for the Fiscal Records Audit.

Dana Schulke, Region 1 Representative
Term: 2023/2025
Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue [email protected]

Serves as liaison between the members in their area/region and the Board, correlates and disburses information and meeting minutes to their members, attends all board meetings, meets and welcomes new members at events and works with the Region Representative Liaison.

Counties: Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Jefferson, Wheeler, Gilliam, Morrow, Grant, Umatilla, Union, Baker, Wallowa

Region 2 Representative (Vacant)

Serves as liaison between the members in their area/region and the Board, correlates and disburses information and meeting minutes to their members, attends all board meetings, meets and welcomes new members at events and works with the Region Representative Liaison.

Counties: Linn, Marion, Benton, Polk, Lincoln

Kelly Busch, Region 3 Representative
Term: 2023/2025
Grants Pass Fire Rescue
[email protected]

Serves as liaison between the members in their area/region and the Board, correlates and disburses information and meeting minutes to their members, attends all board meetings, meets and welcomes new members at events and works with the Region Representative Liaison.

Counties: Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson
Region 4 Representative (Vacant) Serves as liaison between the members in their area/region and the Board, correlates and disburses information and meeting minutes to their members, attends all board meetings, meets and welcomes new members at events and works with the Region Representative Liaison.

Counties: Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Washington, Yamhill, Multnomah, Clackamas
Morgan Crabtree, Region 5 Representative
Term: 2023/2025
Bend Fire & Rescue
[email protected]
Serves as liaison between the members in their area/region and the Board, correlates and disburses information and meeting minutes to their members, attends all board meetings, meets and welcomes new members at events and works with the Region Representative Liaison.

Counties: Deschutes, Crook, Klamath, Lake, Harney, Malheur

Standing Committee Chairs

Donna Fleischman, Membership Chair
McMinnville FD
Appointed: 2019
[email protected]
Merchandise Committee (Vacant)
Good Will Rep (Kate Hennessy)
Registrar (Trish Lutgen)
Protocol Chair
Audit Committee
Sally Cravinho, Education Chair
Office of State Fire Marshal
Appointed: 2017
[email protected]

Accreditation Committee (Nannette Howland)
Event Planning Committee (Jennifer Fox)
Hospitality Committee (Ashley Adams)

Stephanie Hale, Communications Chair
Polk County Fire District #1
Appointed: 2022
[email protected]

Newsletter Committee
Website Committee (Brittney Burroughs)