OFSOA is a group of caring individuals committed to the Oregon Fire Service and its personnel. We strive to make our association a valuable resource in the fire service and to meet the needs of the fire service office administrator.
We work hard to keep our membership dues and the cost of training as low as possible so that even the smallest district can afford to send their personnel to OFSOA events.
Our training sessions cover up to date and vital topics such as legal aspects of the fire service, OSHA, and Government Standards and Practices. You’ll gain skills in the essential functions of the office administrator in areas such as current office procedures and software, business writing and budgets. You will also enjoy workshops on teambuilding, time management and interpersonal communications. Whether you’re an entry-level employee or a seasoned administrator, OFSOA can equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in your job.
You’re invited to navigate our website and learn more about our organization. Feel free to contact any of our Board Members or Region Representatives if you have any questions.