Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Life Member membership level.

Life Member – Any member upon retirement who has or will have maintained an active
membership since the inception of OFSOA or a total of ten (10) years; or a member who, in the
opinion of the Executive Board, has given outstanding service to OFSOA during their employment.
1) The Executive Board shall formally submit the names to the Board of Directors of qualified
members for life membership no later than the last regularly scheduled board meeting
prior to the annual business meeting. Formal recognition will follow the selection as soon
as possible.
2) All Life Members will have annual dues and future event registration waived. The member
will be responsible for event meal costs and for any additional activities, such as the
banquet. Life Members are voting members although they are not eligible to hold an
elective office.

The price for membership is $0.00 now.

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